Guidelines for Students

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Details of Rules & Regulations for Students, Which they are supposed to follow

  1. All students are to carry their Identity Cards when in the college.
  2. Migration from Prime Medical College to another private medical college will not be allowed.
  3. Students are expected to attend classes in clean and well dress with white apron with their names & monogram of the college.
  4. Fashionable dress, cosmetics, untidy hair, slippers are discouraged in the college campus.
  5. Rings, Bangles are not allowed as they are impediment in the practical classes.
  6. Smoking is forbidden in the college campus.
  7. A student’s name may be removed from college register under the following circumstances such a student may get re-admission by paying a fee of Taka 25,000.
  8. Remaining absent from classes for more than three months without any information.
  9. Non-payment of college dues (tuition fee, session fee, development fee etc.) within three months of due date of payment.
  10. Disciplinary ground, on the advice of the academic council.
  11. Tuition fee are payable within 15th day of the current month, failing which a fine of taka ten per day will be charged. The name of the student will be removed from the college register if tuition fees are unpaid for three or more month. The student will then have to seek re-admission on payment of full arrear dues and re-admission fee. All fees should be cleared before each card, term and professional examination. Tuition fees have to be paid until the candidate have passed final professional examination. All fees are non-refundable.
  12. Class attendance of 75% is mandatory for becoming eligible to appear in college and University examinations. Attendance will be evaluated quarterly. If any student attends less than 75% of the classes he/she will not be allowed to sit for any card, term and professional examinations.
  13. Students found absent from classes (lecture & tutorial) will have to pay fine from of Tk 20 – 100/- per class. This is payable with the monthly tuition fee of the next month.
  14. Absenteeism from classes in group or in a mass without prior information / valid reasons are punishable. The manner of punishment will be decided by the academic council. Guardians will be informed of such acts.
  15. Closing of college and hospital gates or doors, any type of demonstration, processions, shouting in and creating obstacles to the normal functioning of the college or the hospital are acts of gross indiscipline and students involved in such acts are liable to be expelled from the college.
  16. The students are expected to maintain the highest standard in their academic and private lives. Loss of moral and spiritual values or addiction to alcohol and narcotic drugs are punishable.
  17. At the time of admission in the college, students and parents/guardians will have to sign a bond that their children/wards will abide by the rules and regulations of the college.
  18. Every student shall provide for himself/herself all the prescribed text books, dissecting instruments, and medical equipment. The college will not supply these to the students.
  19. In case of leave due to illness or other unavoidable reasons, a written statement of non-attendance from the parent/guardian should be presented to the concerned guide teacher, who in turn will submit it to the Principal for approval.
  20. Receiving private coaching from any teacher of PMC is prohibited. If any student of his/her guardian seeks private coaching from any teacher of this instruction and if it be proved then he/she (student) may face dismissal from studentship / expulsion from the examination or from college registrar.
  21. Cost of loss/damage to college / hospital property is liable to be realized from the student who is found responsible for the loss / damage of the college / hospital property.
  22. Political activities are not permitted in the college. Violation of this rule is also punishable.
  23. If student’s found to be involved in any activity subversive of the state such a student will be expulsed from the college.